Junior 8 Ball

Australian Eight Ball Federation

1992 Australian 8 Ball Junior Championships


Congratulations to the Northern Territory 8 Ball Association, – who
having realised the potential of our young Australian players –
following the inaugural Junior Australian Titles held in Melbourne in
March of 1991 , quickly claimed for the Territory the right to host the
Titles in 1992.

That inaugural Junior Australian Titles in Melbourne – showed to all
who cared to attend – that juniors in the cloth sports have a lot to offer
and should not and can not be ignored.

All States and Territories of Australia are now aware of the talent in
this area and have or are developing training, coaching and Pennant for
our young players. Juniors have proved to be extremely competitive at
all levels – as some senior players have discovered. Furthermore their
demeanor and sportsmanship – at their age – is wonderful.

Staging an Australian Title is no mean feat, and thanks must go to the
N.T. Association, the Committee of the Top End Junior Association and
the many helpers and sponsors who have made the event possible.
Thanks too, for the many hours and dollars put in by the parents of
these future champions, in seeing they get to compete in various
tournaments, pennant games etc.

To the players – never forget – you are ambassadors of the sport, of
your parents and teachers – be a sportsperson first, if you are talented
or lucky enough to win – be gracious. If you are defeated look on it as
a avaluable learning experience – we must all learn to lose – to
appreciate how wonderful it is to win. Best of luck to you all.

Lance Sheen


PRESIDENT: Lance Sheen – Victoria
VICE-PRESIDENT: Terry Green -Western Australia
SECRETARY: Marguarite Lopez – Victoria
TREASURER: Lauri Sheen – Victoria
PROMOTIONS: Sam Heywood-Smith – South Australia