Dates for the Australian Junior Championships have been set at 15th to 22nd January 2011 inclusive and will be held at Tracey Village Sports Club in Darwin, Northern Territory.
Tracy Village Social & Sports ClubTracy Village Social & Sports
28 Tambling Terrace
Cnr. Tambling Tce & Henbury Avenue
Wanguri – Darwin
Darwin Northern Territory 0810
(08) 8980 4777
Junior 8 Ball Playing Schedule 2011
Infocus NT Pty Ltd
shop 3, Anula Shopping Centre,
55 Yanyula Drive, Anula, DARWIN, NT 0812
Phone: 08 8945 4444 Mobile: 0408 411 210
email: info@infocusnt.com
website: www.infocusnt.com
Managers and Players
Please find attached Drug Testing, Behaviour consent forms and Pictures consent form for Juniors competing at this year’s Junior Championships
These forms must be handed in to Heather Zappia at the Team Managers meeting prior to the Championships starting and if forms are not returned then the player/s concerned will not be able to play until the form is received